Dr. Danyal Bayaz
Dr. Danyal Bayaz was born in Heidelberg in 1983, where he graduated from high school and completed his civilian service at the German Cancer Research Center. After his studies at the University of Stuttgart-Hohenheim (communication science with a specialization in banking), he completed his doctorate on private equity and spent a research period at Cornell University in New York as a Fulbright scholar. From 2013 to 2017 Dr. Bayaz worked as a consultant at the Boston Consulting Group, including for clients in the banking and public sectors. In 2017, he was elected to the German Bundestag for the Green Party. Dr. Bayaz was a full member of the Bundestag's Finance Committee and a deputy member of the Budget Committee and the Enquete Commission on Artificial Intelligence. He was also a member of the Franco-German Parliamentary Assembly and chairman of the 3rd Investigation Committee of the 19th Bundestag, also known as the "Wirecard Investigation Committee". He also chaired the Economic Advisory Council of the Green Party's parliamentary group in the Bundestag. On May 12, 2021, Minister President Winfried Kretschmann appointed Dr. Bayaz as Minister of Finance of Baden-Württemberg.