Prof. Dr. Stefan Fröhlich

Prof. Dr. Stefan Fröhlich

Professor for International Relations and Political Economy , Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nürnberg

Stefan Fröhlich studied Political Science and Economics at the Universities of Bonn, Paris, Philadelphia and Washington. He is Professor for International Politics and Political Economy at the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg (since 2003). Fröhlich is a member of the board of the German Atlantic Society (Berlin), the board of Directors of the Institute for European Politics (Berlin), the German Society for Foreign Politics (Berlin), the advisory board of the Harris German/Dartmouth Distinguished Visiting Professorship, Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH, US, and the Chairman of the selection committee for German students at the College of Europe (Bruges), Europäische Bewegung (Berlin).

Fröhlich is Visiting Professor at the College of Europe in Bruges and Natolin (Warsaw), the Center for European Integration Studies at the University of Bonn and Zurich University. Among other things, he was Visiting Professor at the Center for Transatlantic Relations, Johns Hopkins University, Washington D.C. (2002/3), the Woodrow Wilson Center for International Scholars, Washington (2007/8) and the German Marshall Fund of the United States, Washington D.C. (2016/17). He was also Visiting Professor at the Universities of Antwerp, Boston (Harvard), Budapest, Moscow, Bologna, Milano, Vienna, London, Innsbruck, Birmingham and Dunedin. Fröhlich has extensive experience in teaching courses at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels at different universities all around the world.

Professor Fröhlich is author of numerous monographs on international politics and economy, among them The geoeconomic turning point: the global power struggle for markets and resources. Springer, October 2024; The End of Self-Bondage: German Foreign Policy in a World without Leadership. Springer, 2021; Das Ende der Selbstfesselung: Deutsche Außenpolitik in Einer Welt ohne Führung. Springer, 2019; Die
Europäische Union als Globaler Akteur. Springer VS, 2014 (first and second edition 2008); The New Geopolitics of Transatlantic Relations: Coordinated Responses to Common Dangers. Woodrow Wilson Center Press, 2012; Major tasks and the state of the art. The Work of the EU Convention, Washington 2004; The difficulties of EU governance, Frankfurt 2004; Globalization and the future of transatlantic relations, Bonn 2003; Auf den Kanzler kommt es an. Außen- und Europapolitik in der Ära Kohl, Paderborn 2001; Die GASP: Entwicklung und Perspektiven, Bonn 2002; Zwischen selektiver Verteidigung und globaler Eindämmung. Amerikanische Geopolitik im Kalten Krieg, Baden-Baden 1998; Amerikanische Geopolitik von den Anfängen bis zum Zweiten Weltkrieg, München 1998; Die USA und die neue Weltordnung, Bonn 1992.

He is also co-author/editor of more than 6 books, among them New Perspectives on Transatlantic Relations Multidisciplinary Approaches. Munich, 2021, The Changing East Asian Security Landscape Challenges. Challenges, Actors and Governance. Springer VS, 2018; 10 Jahre Deutschland in Afghanistan, Wiesbaden 2011; Strategic Implications of Euro-Atlantic Relations, Washington 2004. Fröhlich has authored more than 150 journal articles, essays and book chapters.

Professor Fröhlich is co-author of several reports, among them most recently Partnership in Leadership: A New Beginning. New Impulses for Transatlantic relations, Bonn 2021, and Suspicious Minds. US-German relations in the Trump era, Washington 2017. Among his many activities, Professor Fröhlich was Director of the postgraduate Study Program at the Center for European Integration Studies, University of Bonn (1998-2002), and served in various position in the German Parliament. Fröhlich is a reviewer of books in Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung and a frequent guest on German and international radio and television stations.