Karin Wiedemann

Karin Wiedemann

Managing Director, Alumni Relations, The German Marshall Fund

Karin Wiedemann is a Leadership and Career Development Specialist with over 25 years of experience coaching and teaching global leaders in over 28 countries. She is an expert in designing and facilitating impactful webinars and courses on career transitions, mindful leadership, change and stress management, and networking across cultures. Karin is a certified leadership coach (Georgetown University, 2007) with fifteen years of full-time experience coaching and teaching global executives, US ambassadors, and graduate students to thrive in the midst of a constantly changing world. Her clients include The World Bank Group, International Monetary Fund, U.S. Naval Academy and Georgetown and Princeton universities. Karin also has over 20 years and 2,000 hours of yoga instruction (three YTT certifications since 1999). As The German Marshall Fund’s (GMF) first-ever Managing Director of Alumni Relations since February 2023, she is strengthening alumni engagement for 4,000 European and American leaders who participated in over 10 different GMF fellowships since 1983.

She is a first-generation American, and dual citizen of Germany and the United States. She has commuted to work by bicycle, every year since graduating from college. Her hobbies include: exploring bike trails, cafes, breweries, bookstores and farmers markets with friends, family and her dog Luna. She dreams of one day writing a dramedy for Netflix, about being raised by German parents in suburban New Jersey in the 70s and 80s.


Event: Leading from Within: A Workshop on Mental Health and Leadership (October 29)